Living in Laguna Beach

You found the right website if you are searching for homes for sale in Laguna Beach, CA. My website has EVERY Laguna Beach home for sale in California listed with California Regional MLS (CRMLS).

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For Information about the city of Laguna Beach and helpful links please CLICK HERE.

Let’s start by understanding the City of Laguna Beach.

Laguna Beach is known for it’s beauty but also for it’s small town casual beach living with lots of art and things to do. Laguna Beach has about 23,000 residents living in 8.8 sq miles. There is a dramatic change in population depending on the season. Many residents live in town part time but the summer brings 3-6 million visitors every year. The only high school in Laguna beach has about 1,000 students. The schools are small and exceptional.


Laguna Beach is a great place to visit and an even better place to live. If you are a local, I understand the value of your home . If you are looking to buy a home in Laguna Beach, I can help you identify your perfect home in the right neighborhood for your specific needs.

If you live by a beach or park, you are almost certain to visit it often and run into your neighbors frequently, creating that village feel that the residents cherish. While other coastal Orange County cities boast ocean views, the best and most direct and expansive ocean views are found in Laguna Beach. The unique topography creates ocean breezes and such perfect temperatures that most homeowners do not add air conditioners. The unique Laguna Beach has some of the best and smallest public schools in Orange County with one local public High School (Laguna Beach High School), one local public middle school (Thurston Middle School), and two local public elementary schools (Top of the World Elementary and El Morro Elementary). Almost every local who grew up in town attended these schools and are happy to send their children there today. Laguna Beach is also home to the private schools of Anneliese preschool, St. Catherine of Siena Parish School, and The Laguna College of Art & Design (LCAD). The public high school is enjoyed not just for residents with children but also for those who want to enjoy the Laguna Beach High School’s track, tennis courts, and pool which are open to all. Residents attend the High School plays, concerts, and small-town football games. Let’s find which Laguna Beach lifestyle that fits your particular needs.